Play and Win Texas Hold 'Em by Belinda Levez download book EPUB, MOBI


"?Find out how to win consistently and develop an adaptive, skilled game with this guide to every aspect of Texas Hold ?Em.With clear explanations of the rules, the hands, scoring, the odds and the betting systems, it will give you all the information you need to get started. It will also help you learn how to play online, warning you of the pitfalls and helping you to better read? your opponents and develop strategies for success.Featuring killer insights from an author with decades of experience in every aspect of the gaming world, this is an essential handbook for anyone who dreams of being a poker king - or queen.'", Find out how to win consistently and develop an adaptive, skilled game with this guide to every aspect of Texas Hold 'Em.With clear explanations of the rules, the hands, scoring, the odds and the betting systems, it will give you all the information you need to get started. It will also help you learn how to play online, warning you of the pitfalls and helping you to better 'read' your opponents and develop strategies for success.Featuring killer insights from an author with decades of experience in every aspect of the gaming world, this is an essential handbook for anyone who dreams of being a poker king - or queen., Learn how to win consistently and develop an adaptive, skilled poker game With clear explanations of the rules, the hands, scoring, the odds and the betting systems, Play and Win Texas Hold 'Em gives you all the information you need to get started. It will also help you learn how to play online, avoid the pitfalls, improve your "reading" of opponents, and develop strategies for success. Featuring killer insights from an author with decades of experience in every aspect of the gaming world, this is an essential handbook for anyone who dreams of being a poker king or queen., Master the rules, Understand the odds, Develop a brilliant strategy, Place confident bets, Become an online champion, In order to play and win poker, you need to understand the rules and strategy of Texas Hold'em, the most popular game - especially online. This book will help you develop the skills you need to become a tournament champion. Featuring killer insights from an author with decades of experience, Play and Win Texas Hold'em covers everything from the rules to the odds, with all you need to get started. It has extensive coverage of playing online, with strategies for success and step-by-step guides to betting for fun or for cash. Join 60 million people who have reached their goals with Teach Yourself® Get where you want to be with our breakthrough approach: Professional tuition from subject experts who run successful courses and practices. Practical, easy-to-implement guidance on how to teach key goals. Changes you can make today, not just at the end of the book. Book jacket., Readers learn how to win consistently and develop an adaptive, skilled poker game With clear explanations of the rules, the hands, scoring, the odds and the betting systems, Play and Win Texas Hold 'Em gives players all the information they need to get started. It will also help them learn how to play online, avoid the pitfalls, improve their "reading" of opponents, and develop strategies for success. Featuring killer insights from an author with decades of experience in every aspect of the gaming world, this is an essential handbook for anyone who dreams of being a poker king or queen.

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